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News & Events

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Press Release

Date Press Release
2025-02-28 Appointment of self-recommended youth members to Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund announced
2024-07-30 Appointments to new term of Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund announced
2022-03-21 Anti-epidemic subsidy scheme for frontline recycling staff under Recycling Fund launched
2021-07-30 Appointments to new term of Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund announced
2020-05-25 Recycling Fund disburses over $90 million anti-epidemic and rental support subsidies to recyclers
2020-04-16 Recycling Fund raises subsidy level under One-off Rental Support Scheme
2020-03-28 Recycling Fund continues to disburse anti-epidemic and rental support subsidies to recyclers
2020-03-20 回收基金推特別措施助業界渡難關 同心抗疫 (Chinese only)
2020-03-16 Recycling Fund Launches New Measures to Help Industry Fight the Virus and Overcome Challenges
2019-12-06 Recycling Fund Launches New Support Measure Allocating HK$100 Million for “One-off Rental Support Scheme”
2019-11-22 Recycling Fund Launches New Measures to Raise Funding Amounts, Project Number and Duration
2019-01-17 Recycling Fund Launches a Series of Enhancement Measures to Further Support Recycling Industry
2018-08-22 Recycling Fund Expands “Standard Project – $1M” and Rental Expense Support for Recycling Industry
2018-07-30 Appointments to new term of Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund announced
2017-12-28 「回收基金」簡易申請助業界升級轉型 (Chinese Only)
2017-12-27 「回收基金」支援業界對應內地入口回收物新方案 (Chinese Only)
2017-11-03 Recycling Fund Continues to Support Recycling Industry to Cope with Mainland’s Solid Waste Import Requirements
Recycling Fund Launches New “Standard Projects” Scheme to Process Waste Plastics
2017-07-13 Recycling Fund to Launch Theme-based Scheme
2017-07-11 香港品質保證局「提升回收業運作表現」項目- 培訓計劃嘉許禮暨業界分享會 (Chinese Only)
2017-04-18 Recycling Fund approves $5.7 million for latest batch of applications A Series of Facilitation Measures to Provide Timely and Extensive Support to Recyclers
2017-03-13 利便措施助回收 適切資助易申請 (Chinese Only)
2017-03-13 回收基金推出優化措施 中小企業申請更加簡易 (Chinese Only)
2017-01-24 Fourth batch of applications approved under Recycling Fund
2016-11-03 Third batch of applications approved under Recycling Fund
2016-08-26 Second batch of applications approved under Recycling Fund
2016-04-29 Recycling Fund approves grants for 29 applications
2015-10-06 Recycling Fund opens for applications
2015-08-03 Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund set up